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Urea Powdered Resins
Urea Powdered Resins
They’re ideal in formulating adhesives
Spray-Dried Urea Powdered Resins
LRBG Chemicals urea powdered resins were initially developed as wood adhesives with superior strength and water resistance. These resins can be used in cold press or hot press glues. Their consistency, long shelf life and flexibility make them ideal in formulating adhesives.
LRBG Chemicals spray-dried urea resins are used in a wide range of adhesive applications such as hot and cold-pressed plywood and particleboard, edge gluing veneers, and tapeless splicers.
Examples of applications:
- wood shop glue
- glue for furniture joints
- glue for plywood, particleboard and veneers
- binder for foundry core and sand
- binder for plant fertilizer

LRBG Chemicals current urea resins
UF RW-25 | A neat (unfilled) uncatalyzed adhesive and binding resin that is suitable for a variety of applications. Used with wood, cellulosic substances and foundry sand. The resin can be cured using just heat or a catalyst can be added to shorten the cycle time. The catalyst content can be increased to give a cold cure wood clue. | More info |
UF MW51 | An unfilled, uncatalyzed resin suitable for use in applications where a low viscosity, highly reactive resin is required. This resin can be cured with the addition of catalysts, or in many instances, the acidity of the substrate is sufficient to cure the resin. The low viscosity of the resin makes it suitable for use with a variety of fillers and extenders. | More info |
UF 250-S | A pre-catalyzed and filled ready mix urea resin used in cold press application. Popular with plywood and particleboard manufacturers and can also be used for panels, edge gluing and some decorative lamination. This resin can be used where a visible glue line is no problem. | More info |
UF 253 | A pre-catalyzed, neat (unfilled), ready-mix urea resin. Used in wood bonding such as particle-board, fiberboard and chip core or where a lighter line is desired. | More info |